Sally & Howard

Hey Everyone,

Today was AMAZING! Recently, I reconnected with an old friend of mine named Amelia. Amelia and I go waaaay back, and we recently discovered that we both went into the wedding business. I, obviously a photographer, and Amelia a wedding planner under her own company called Southwest Occasions.

She's been so gracious in allowing me to shoot as her photographer and today was my first wedding with her. Let me just say, the location was gorgeous. We were at this amazing resort called El Monte Sagrado in Taos, NM. The views, atmosphere, EVERYTHING was so beautiful.

The bride and groom were both from New York, and most of the guests had flown down to New Mexico for the wedding. Let me just say, this couple is gorgeous. I couldn't have asked for a better looking couple.

So on with the pictures. Sorry to say there isn't a slideshow, but I was able to edit a few pics tonight and thought I'd post them. :)


  1. Anonymous said...
    that is like a very very beautiful place!!! and the pictures rock!! good work! woot!
    Sir Randomness said...
    Sweet I like it!
    Anonymous said...
    great job danette!
    Anonymous said...
    That place looks gorrrgeous!

    I love the collage. :)
    Bekah said...
    Wow what a view for a wedding!! Awesome job!

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