Gosh, I'm so vain.

Who doesn't love taking pictures of themselves? Actually, me. I really do hate taking pictures of myself, but today I had an urge. I was supposed to go on a shoot this afternoon, but it was canceled, so I wasn't able to take my shooting urge out on other people. ;)

So what else was I supposed to do with myself, a camera, and a cool rear view Jeep mirror???


  1. Heather said...
    you're supposed to take when pics of your self when all that is present. duh.
    Bekah said...
    I don't like taking pics of myself either but when it comes to rearview mirrors that's a whole other story. My profile pic was taken in my dad's motorcycle mirror.
    Bekah said...
    Oh and I meant to say how I love those pics! They're pretty cool.
    Sarah Barlow said...
    U R HOT.
    I love and miiiiss you!!!!!!
    Anonymous said...
    your pictures of yourself are way cool. way cooler than mine! hehe.
    i love 'em!
    amoetspes said...
    I just want to say that I was once roomates with one of the most talented people anyone will ever meet. I love your stuff! Come to Egypt and shoot the Pyramids!
    Deborah said...
    lovely pics Danette!
    Jonfun said...
    Actually, I know the feeling. Its sort of like getting an itch and ya gotta keep scratching. Even if you end up being the subject of your own work. Lovely...right?

    God Bless.
    Simply Me said...
    i cant really tell...but is that a nikon flash on a canon? lol i love the nikon part!
    i absolutely love all of your pictures...so talented!
    lets try to catch up soon buddy!

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